The Fire Did Not Burn
The book The Fire Did Not Burn there was a pious person by the name of Abu Muslim khawlaani رحمۃاللہ during the early history of Islam.
It was during the time when Aswad Anasi, falsely claimed to be a prophet in Yemen.
Once he called Abu Muslim khawlaani and asked him,
“Do you believe that Muhammad ﷺ is a prophet of Allah?”
Abu Muslim replied in the affirmative.
Aswad Anasi then asked, “Do you believe that I am a prophet of Allah?”
Abu Muslim Khawlaani replied in the negative. Aswad Ansari then ordered that a huge fire be lit and that he should be thrown into it. This was accordingly done, but by the mercy of Allah Ta’ala, the fire did not harm Abu Muslim Khawlaani رحمۃاللہ.
People then advised Aswad Anasi, “If you leave Abu Muslim Khawlaani to live here, he will cause more trouble.”
Abu Muslim Khawlaani was therefore, forced to leave Yemen. He set off for madinah. This was the time shortly after the demise of Nabi ﷺ. Abu Bakr was the khalifa. When Abu Muslim reached Masjidun Nabawi, he tied his conveyance and began performing salah close to a pillar in the masjid of Nabi ﷺ.
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