Discourses Of Moulana Ibrahim Devla 02 Volumes

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Discourses Of Moulana Ibrahim Devla

(2 Volume set)

Book Name: Discourses Of Moulana Ibrahim Devla 2 Volume set 


Printing Type: 1 COLOR


Binding Type: Hard Binding 

Pages: Vol- 1 pages (288) Vol- 2 Pages 256

Language: ENGLISH

Subject: STORY

Book Size: 22cm X 14cm

About the book

The Book comprises of 7 discourses of Moulana Ebrahim Devla who, for approximately 50 years, has always been involved in spreading knowledge and teaching.

Qualified in Darul Uloom Deoband, he is based in the Markaz of Dawaat and Tabligh in Banla wali Masjid in Nizamudeen – Delhi – India.

He has a unique style in explaining the importance of Dawaat and expounding on the methods of Tabligh.

His method is simple but straightforward. He is moderate, fair, and affectionate in his soft approach.

His speeches have been recorded and reproduced into books form.

In this volume the following topics have been discussed:-

1) Objective of coming into the world
2) A believer and his actions
3) The means of the success of the Deen of Allaah
4) Attaining Deen through sacrifice
5) Conditions and their remedy
6) Counties of Allaah
7) The Blessing of Imaan